I received two wonderful emails this morning. Both were amazing and I wanted nothing less than to share them with all of you. Just in case no one pats you on the back today and says "Good Job", "I Love You", or "You're Special", I'm doing it for you.
Good Morning Cathy,
I hope you slept better last night. Your studio looks so amazing. I just love the thought of your working there every day. It's the most wonderful space. You ARE truly blessed and talented.
If I could wrap up a gift of "inner peace" for you, I would do it!!! The only answer I always seem to have for peoples' needs is the loving peace I receive from knowing God. This mornings reading from Joyce Meyer's book of devotions, "Starting Your Day Right", tells me to "ACT NOW". With you in mind, I'm taking my instructions to heart. She wrote: "Good intentions are not acts of obedience, and procrastination devours opportunities to live a purposeful life. Whatever God has inspired you to do --- do it today. Just do what needs to be done, even if the first thing you tackle is the dishes in the sink or a garage that needs cleaning. If God has specifically told you to bless someone, and you have intended to do it, remember that now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation."
I love you. I admire you. I am so proud of you and I am not surprised at all at your success. I'm the PRESIDENT, I hosey, of the TREASURED HEIRLOOMS FAN CLUB. And you can blog that!!!! Love, Cousin Jan
My New Friend Kim From Liverpool, England.

The Wonder of You
It's a lovely day here in Liverpool and I was just reading my "Oprah at Home Magazine" about her 'Leadership Academy for girls in South africa'. Oprah says "its an atmosphere of possibility, if you are surrounded by beauty, it inspires the beauty in you"! She goes on to say "love is in the details"! The first person that came to my mind was 'you', as I know you offer your support to "Oprahs Angel Network" and like I've said before "you offer your talents and beauty to us all" and it's true that you inspire the beautiful soul within us. That is quite often buried by trash!
I want to follow in your footsteps and you are certainly following in 'Oprahs' by lifting us all to a higher ground! Thank you for you and all that you are once again.
God Bless,
Kim, Liverpool, England