A "Haunted Halloween Party"
at the Magic Kingdom
Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

During our vacation in Disney we attended their famous "Haunted Halloween" party.
For the month of October all of the Magic Kingdom is dressed in it Halloween finery. Certain nights of the month they close the park early and only "Trick or Treaters" (people who pay the extra $$ to get in, lol) are allowed to come in and enjoy the Halloween Festivities. Two electric light Halloween Parades and an amazing firework displays are just the beginning. Mike and I had tickets for Tuesday night, October 6th.

Everywhere you looked people were dressed up in amazing costumes. Moms, Dads, kids, tweens and babies had lavish outfits which they obviously brought from home for the event. Many of them have been coming to the Halloween Party for years, so they were well prepared.
I wanted to dress up in a costume so badly, but I never had the chance to find one I liked before we left! So I decided that I would buy myself a Crystal Tiara and consider myself the "Queen of Everything" for the evening.
It worked.

We entered the Magic Kingdom, received our Trick or Treat bags, took pictures of adorable children (didn't know them, but couldn't resist) and began our quest for free candy. Following the map and looking for the special "Goofy" sign throughout the park we began to fill our bags with all kinds of my favorite penny candy.
Two "Tinks" and Robin Hood
Tootsie Rolls/Pops, Smarties, taffy, lollipops, Raisins(?), Mary Janes, hard candy, Now & Later's and everything else a kid with a sweet tooth would want ~ and every Adult with a sweet tooth.
I had to buy one of these awesome balloons. I gave it away to a little boy named "Charlie" from the UK before we left our hotel for the airport. He was in awe of the giant gift and hadn't been to the Magic Kingdom yet. I'm sure I made his day as the smile on his face was priceless. Made me feel great.

It didn't take more than 1/2 an hour and I was feeling sick, not from the candy, but I wasn't quite sure what was wrong. I found a place to sit down and began to shake and sweat was pouring down like water from my entire body. Of course, it was 95 outside and the humidity was deadly. At this point I figured out I was completely dehydrated. My DH ran and got me cold water which I frantically drank. Luckily it worked and within moments I felt so much better. Just in time for the Haunted Halloween Fireworks display which was amazing. I only took a handful of photos, but it was a busy night as you can imagine. Candy first, pictures later.
Here are more fun pictures of "Fairy" collectibles available at the Magic Kingdom.

The End...