written by a friend's friend!
WOMEN. We are the keepers of history. We restore or re-purpose things that would have ended up in a land fill. My roadside finds are some modern woman's cast-offs and are now my treasure.
In a time when so many people are doing without others are conspicuously consuming and tossing out things that can be used and enjoyed by those who are doing without. No effort is being taken to do this by the email consumed generations.
This makes my work more important than making a buck. I become a keeper of traditions that are important not only as crafts but for the fitness of the planet. I am inspired to keep moving forward in a thoughtful way. To create things that improve the human spirit even if it is just visually pleasing.
Having a connection to the heartbeat of the average woman is going to be the thing that is the key to my success and maybe I will measure that in terms that cannot be measured by Google analytics but by how much joy I bring to my customer.
What this article made me realize is that I am affected by the microwave generation. A business needs time to grow. I am not going to be a financial success over night. I am going to be a "Spiritual Success" if I stay connected to the fact that I am a keeper of history and whimsy. That inspires me.
What ever happened to the joy of creation? It got squashed by Google analytics yesterday. Today I'm off to make Christmas goodies! Out of some other womans trash!