Terry Grahl
An angel has arrived: Cathy Scalise owner of www.TreasuredHeirlooms.net donated funds towards the "Hopeful Haven Project". She also made sure to send Oprah an email about the project. ''Cathy pays it forward every year by giving a percentage of her proceeds from her business to Oprah's Angel Network.'' (hats off to you)
Here is a small portion of an email I received from Terry today...........
"The Oprah show played a video of me talking about last years shelter project and here's the huge manifestation and blessing! I received an email on Wed. April 2nd from Winnie a producer from the Oprah Show letting me know that she has reservations for me and a guest for Mondays show. I surprised my hero and my big brother Todd to fly out with me and stay at the Omni hotel.
I hope all of you know that you always have had the power to manifest your dreams, you just need to BELIEVE....."
Many Blessings,
Terry Grahl
'Terry's Enchanted Cottage is so grateful to be featured locally, nationally and honored with these volunteer awards.''
*2007 Award-Winning Decorator for the SDP Society of Decorating Professionals *2007 Shelter Project featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show!!! 3/10/08
*Shelter makeover featured in the national decorating magazine Paint Magic a special annual publication of Country Decorating Ideas Presents # 90 (Nov. 2007)