The garden is finally finished! The seeds are down, the new perennials are in the ground, the pots are filled, and the mulch is perfect. Whew, that was a lot of work. But its really paying off. The garden is really beginning to flourish now that Spring has finally arrived.

I decided that once the garden was "all done", my next project was to get to and "finish" all the "stuff" I had in storage waiting to be created into something pretty. We all have "stuff" that we buy and say to ourselves "I'm going to make something really beautiful with this". But we also know that the "day" doesn't always arrive for a couple of years.
The time has come for serious clean-up in the Scalise attic and basement. I am digging out all the buried treasure and turning it into gorgeous heirlooms for your romantic home and cottage. Today I am adding as much as possible of the finished projects to-date ~ to "Treasured Heirlooms" and to "Elegance and Whimsy" boutiques. It will probably take me a day or two to get everything posted. This picture is only a small bit of what I have to offer.
I'm very proud to say that I'm "GOING GREEN with COLOR". Recycling antiques and vintage "cast-offs" into gorgeous and must have "treasures".
DH and I also did a bit of antiquing along the New England shoreline last Saturday. We drove all the way up to the tip of Maine antiquing. Loads of great finds all being added as well.

Beautiful Frilly Lace Hand Mirror

Kick off your shoes, grab a glass of PINK lemonade and go shopping.
I will pack it up and ship it to you "as easy as that"!

Antique Wicker Mosaic Tray

Vintage Wicker Bed Tray
Have a wonderful weekend my friends.