"Charlene" Fairy Lamp
Isn't she just the cutest little lamp you've ever seen? This was definitely a recycle project. I had an old lamp base made of metal sitting around for. Don't ask me where it came from, but there it was. I have been moving this darn thing from place to place for over a year. Down to the basement, upstairs to paint it. Never painted it, down the basement again. Oh wait the weather is warm ~ grab it bring it upstairs again, paint it white. Don't like it white. Paint it pink. Don't know if the pink is going to work. I'll think about it later. Once again it goes back down the basement waiting for something magical to happen to it. Nothing does. Everytime I look at it, it's still there undone!
I thought to myself last week this has been going on long enough. I opened the closet door in my studio and there were 4 pretty lamp shades. I grabbed one and off I went. After a few minutes searching in my closet full of figurines, I found a little pink fairy figurine who fit perfectly on the base. O.k. now paint the base again (which is now pink) to cream color to match the lampshade.
A really pretty lampshade needs to be created to bring this lovely to life. I grabbed up the prettiest vintage lace I could find, pretty pastel pink and blue seam binding, Forget-me-nots, and vintage millinery flowers. Working with magic I whipped up the lamp shade. DH wired the lamp base and all that was left to do was place the Pink Fairy on her spot. Voila, done! I love her.
I think I will call her "Charlene". What do you think of her?
Isn't she just the cutest little lamp you've ever seen? This was definitely a recycle project. I had an old lamp base made of metal sitting around for. Don't ask me where it came from, but there it was. I have been moving this darn thing from place to place for over a year. Down to the basement, upstairs to paint it. Never painted it, down the basement again. Oh wait the weather is warm ~ grab it bring it upstairs again, paint it white. Don't like it white. Paint it pink. Don't know if the pink is going to work. I'll think about it later. Once again it goes back down the basement waiting for something magical to happen to it. Nothing does. Everytime I look at it, it's still there undone!
I thought to myself last week this has been going on long enough. I opened the closet door in my studio and there were 4 pretty lamp shades. I grabbed one and off I went. After a few minutes searching in my closet full of figurines, I found a little pink fairy figurine who fit perfectly on the base. O.k. now paint the base again (which is now pink) to cream color to match the lampshade.
A really pretty lampshade needs to be created to bring this lovely to life. I grabbed up the prettiest vintage lace I could find, pretty pastel pink and blue seam binding, Forget-me-nots, and vintage millinery flowers. Working with magic I whipped up the lamp shade. DH wired the lamp base and all that was left to do was place the Pink Fairy on her spot. Voila, done! I love her.
I think I will call her "Charlene". What do you think of her?