The Best Christmas
Present Ever!
I just received my copy of "Romantic Country" yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to see not one, but two of my creations featured. I sent in some photos last Fall just in case they might be looking for some new goodies for an upcoming issue. I'm honored they choose to publish my new (double-sided) "Charming Pendants" in the "Our Favorite Finds" section. And to boot, they used my "Treasured Memories Keepsake Box" as a "Valentine DIY Project".
It is always an honor to be featured and I thank everyone at Romantic Country for their continued support of my artwork and my home and garden decor. I hope you are all enjoying it too.
I want thank each and every one of you for your continued friendships, daily encouragement, heartfelt emails and most of all, your loyalty to my shops. I couldn't continue without your love and support and for that I am truly GRATEFUL.
Throughout the years we meet, converse with and make so many wonderful friendships. Through those friendships we share our lives and our stories. We celebrate happy times, good news, and success stories. We also bond and connect to one another in times of broken dreams, great sadness, and difficult family tragedies.
I pray daily, not only for myself, but for every one struggling with issues weighing heavy on their heart or suffering from a broken spirit. I am there beside you, within you, and always there for you. I'm just an email away.
I hope God lifts you up and renews your spirit.
May He bring joy and happiness into your lives ~
as well as my own.
All the best to you ~ my friends ~ in the New Year.
The Best Christmas
Present Ever!
I just received my copy of "Romantic Country" yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to see not one, but two of my creations featured. I sent in some photos last Fall just in case they might be looking for some new goodies for an upcoming issue. I'm honored they choose to publish my new (double-sided) "Charming Pendants" in the "Our Favorite Finds" section. And to boot, they used my "Treasured Memories Keepsake Box" as a "Valentine DIY Project".
It is always an honor to be featured and I thank everyone at Romantic Country for their continued support of my artwork and my home and garden decor. I hope you are all enjoying it too.
I want thank each and every one of you for your continued friendships, daily encouragement, heartfelt emails and most of all, your loyalty to my shops. I couldn't continue without your love and support and for that I am truly GRATEFUL.
Throughout the years we meet, converse with and make so many wonderful friendships. Through those friendships we share our lives and our stories. We celebrate happy times, good news, and success stories. We also bond and connect to one another in times of broken dreams, great sadness, and difficult family tragedies.
I pray daily, not only for myself, but for every one struggling with issues weighing heavy on their heart or suffering from a broken spirit. I am there beside you, within you, and always there for you. I'm just an email away.
I hope God lifts you up and renews your spirit.
May He bring joy and happiness into your lives ~
as well as my own.
All the best to you ~ my friends ~ in the New Year.

"Charming Pendants"

"Treasured Memories Box"

Remember to visit our gracious host:
Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for all the wonderful "Pink Saturday" participants. Thanks for stopping by today.
Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for all the wonderful "Pink Saturday" participants. Thanks for stopping by today.
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